Free WordPress Blogs for RVers and Three Legged Dogs!

You haven’t heard from me around here in a while because I have been a bit preoccupied lately. In addition to our property search, home purchase, cross country move, and welcoming Wyatt into our pack, I have been buried with PHP, MySQL queries, FTP sessions and function calls.

Say what, you say? It’s been quite a learning experience really, which I care to share in depth someday. But for now, I’ll just tell you what it means…

We just completed our migration of Tripawds to the WordPress MU platform, but RVblogz was my first WPMU installation. You say what again? Basically, it means we are now offering free blogs for tripawd lovers and full-time RVers.

Yes, we announced RVblogz a long time ago, but the recent migration to WPMU has enabled us expedite blog creation and offer much more robust features for RVbloggerz. In fact you can get your own free travel blog in seconds, now that we have automated the blog creation process. Well, WordPress MU has, but we made it work!

If you want to check out a fine example of how full-timers are using RVblogz, check out the Purcells On Wheels traveling family blog! Or, how many of you have heard of the Killbarney project?

Rebuilding the Tripawds community has been exciting, as Jerry’s discussion forum members have grown to 800 strong. Now they can all have their own three legged dog blogs. And with the RVblogz Communities feature, members can create their own mini-facebook, all about RVing. OK, well maybe not. But in addition to easily publishing a travel blog with over 100 themes to choose from, you can create your own little RV community with a message board, Wiki pages, and news items.

There’s much much more we will let you read about RVblogz. But why not sign up for your travel blog now and join the community? Or join Tripawds so you can chat online with us in the new and improved Live Tripawds Chat.

So much to tell, such little time … just wanted any readers we have left to know why I’ve been such a stranger lately. And now that we’re headed back to ranch so I can work the Vickers hay harvest, I may become even stranger yet. If that is at all possible.

2 thoughts on “Free WordPress Blogs for RVers and Three Legged Dogs!”

  1. When I read your title I just had to come see. I was a RV (actually a trailer) person for a short time. Found it was too much work. Plus, I always felt the trailer was about to come loose from my truck at any moment. Couldn’t live with the anxiety. LOL

    I’ve only seen 1 3-legged dog. He was a German Shepard. He had great eyes and seemed very happy and living a good life. Very uplifting

    All the best to your success with your projects.

  2. Sounds great guys. I’m impressed as usual at the lifestyle and career you have made out of the RV’ing and Tipawds and everything! It’s truly amazing. I feel like an outsider, not being an RV’er OR a three legged dog owner! But good for you! Keep up the good work!


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